Digital Education Tools
Your Field force Needs
1. Continuing Education
2. Access to Clinical data
3. Engaging Quizzes to Reinforce Learning
4. Offline Acess
PhotonBiomedical creates simple tools that your sales force and customers can use to better understand your unique product and solutions. Our experienced team of physicians, medical illustrators and animators along with industry representatives will work to deliver customized solutions for your needs.
Customer: Marketing lead for major prosthetics device provider
- Need: Field reps must better understand the engineering behind the product they were selling
- Challenge: To effectively communicate complex medical and engineering knowledge to new and experienced sales representatives to improve performance
- Solution: Photon Biomedical developed custom and instructionally-sound educational content for iPads
Mobile Sales Apps
Your sales force needs
Your sales force isn’t on the same page across various national regions. Photon Biomedical created tools that will help them act as one unified team. Customers will hear the same message helping to increase sales through a single brand message.
Customer: Training lead for pharmaceutical company
Need: Sales representatives need one place to go on their mobile device to access clinically relevant study data, key points and messages, and campaign goals
Challenge: To develop an intuitive and effective mobile sales application platform to better coordinate the sales team
Solution: Photon Biomedical developed an impactful and useful mobile sales app that representatives don’t struggle to use versus off-the-shelf offerings
Custom Augmented and Virtual Reality
(your sales force needs kind of thing)
Medical, nursing, and engineering schools across the country are challenged to differentiate themselves and prove that they are at the cutting edge of science and technology. In addition, schools increasingly need to justify tuition expenses to potential students. With Photon Biomedical’s experience in customer AR/VR applications, schools have a dedicated partner to offer an educational experience that is cost effective while immersing students in the future.
Customer: Marketing department for a nursing school
Need: The nursing school would like to demonstrate to potential students that they offer the latest technology to deliver clinically meaningful anatomy and histology education
Challenge: To develop a cost effective yet powerful learning tool that would demonstrate the commitment that the school has to furthering the education of its students
Solution: Photon Biomedical developed a custom virtual reality application that allows nursing students to interact with patient-specific 3D anatomy and histology models
BioMedical Animation and Illustration
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